A rocking horse, a toy, a tool

Vippi will enhance movement and creativity in classrooms and kindergartens. You sit comfortably on the floor while the kids explore new and imaginative sitting positions.

For children from 0 to 100 years

Vippi is in harmony with your body, regardless of age. Explore and train your own agility and balance. Or join the kids and use it as a roller coaster, tunnel or boat.

Norwegian design and concept

With Vippi, Interior Architect Tone Grimsrud challenges our perception of what a chair is and should be:

  • A chair is made for sitting. Vippi is made for movement.

  • A chair is static. Vippi is dynamic.

  • A chair supports the back. Vippi strengthens the back.

  • A chair is stationary. Vippi is portable.

  • A chair is boring. Vippi is fun.

  • Vippi is more than a chair.